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Thief spells and skills

Level ...... Name
1 ...... Dagger
1 ...... Dodge
1 ...... Recall
1 ...... Exotic
2 ...... Kobold stench
3 ...... Whip
4 ...... Underwater breathing
5 ...... Haggle
7 ...... Kick
9 ...... Circle
9 ...... Hide
10 ...... Mace
12 ...... Pick lock
13 ...... Sneak
15 ...... Burnt marbu
16 ...... Detect poison
18 ...... Steal
19 ...... Poultice
20 ...... Lore
21 ...... Parry
23 ...... Backstab
24 ...... Refresh
25 ...... Dirt kicking
25 ...... Second attack
26 ...... Detect magic
27 ...... Detect hidden
28 ...... Detect invis
29 ...... Dual wield
29 ...... Sense anger
29 ...... Scrolls
30 ...... Black root
30 ...... Peek
32 ...... Vitality
34 ...... Trip
36 ...... Envenom
39 ...... Hand to hand
40 ...... Scorpion sting
42 ...... Hunt
45 ...... Enhanced damage
46 ...... Third attack
48 ...... Pass door
51 ...... Hydra blood
53 ...... Meditation
56 ...... Fire
60 ...... Fast healing
63 ...... Cobra bane
67 ...... Charm person
70 ...... Enhanced backstab
75 ...... Raven scourge
77 ...... Slit
88 ...... Green death
91 ...... Purify
91 ...... Kspray
101 ...... Herbal remedy
106 ...... Web
111 ...... Unlawful entry
115 ...... Strangle
115 ...... Aim
119 ...... Vaccinate
121 ...... Dissolve
126 ...... Conceal
131 ...... Marbu
134 ...... Second attack dual
137 ...... Rejuvenate
142 ...... Retreat
145 ...... Sweep
149 ...... Camp
150 ...... Balor spittle
152 ...... Survey
155 ...... Assassinate
156 ...... Toxic resistance
162 ...... Spy
169 ...... Third attack dual
174 ...... Create poultice
181 ...... Spiral
201 ...... Gate
201 ...... Locate object
201 ...... Sanctuary
201 ...... Summon
201 ...... Locate animal
201 ...... Locate corpse
201 ...... Staves
201 ...... Wands

27 Jul 2024:
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22 Jun 2024:
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22 Jun 2024:
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22 Jun 2024:
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21 Apr 2024:
Automated ice-age, racechange timer.
Automated ice-age, racechange timer.Automated reboots / ice-ages came into the game today along with a race change timer reduction and a few other things.
13 Apr 2024:
New Race System - Other Changes.
New Race System - Other Changes.New Race system allowing much more variety by race added today. Other changes in the attached news post.
30 Mar 2024:
Gquests, Resistance changes, Keys saving, more.
Gquests, Resistance changes, Keys saving, more.Changes to how gquest ranges work. Resistance redo in preparation for the new race changes. Keys now save over reboots. More in the post.
17 Feb 2024:
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17 Feb 2024:
New Superhero area and new quest.
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