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Reboot Changes - Aug 9th '03

  • Mobs now have a 'bonus xp' value that will increase over time, similar to the way in which gold increases the longer a mob goes without being killed. The amount of the bonus is based on time that mob has been alive in the game. The amount of the bonus you GET is based on level, just like regular xp. Not enough of a change to change many people's playing style, but a nice bonus for rarely killed mobs at least.
  • There is a _small_ bonus for killing mobs that repop with sanctuary, based on level. (Kojiro)
  • You can no longer order a mob to change it's description. Small change but the behind the scenes change is bigger - there is now a flag that can be set on any command to prevent mobs from being ordered to do it.
  • There is a new command 'rlook ' which is the same as 'look ' but searches the room first vs the player's inventory first. This will help in situations where you have trouble with 'look sign' due to carrying signet rings etc - 'rlook sign' will look to the room first. (Twinkie)
  • Added a 'clanadmin goto ' command for leaders to easily move around their clan halls. This does not work during a raid or when fighting. (Leaf)
  • When you 'save' an attempt to dispel you, you get the 'brief tingling sensation' messages. If the dispel succeeds however, you never really know if you got dispelled or if your spells are just wearing off. Have made that msg appear whenever someone casts dispel at you. (Snuck)
  • When the new raiding went in, giving items to mobs in your clan hall was prevented. This no longer applies to questor mobs - you can give them (non quest) items that you want destroyed next reboot. (Kallandra)
  • The 'sleep' spell is now enabled. When used against a player, the duration is greatly reduced and is a random duration of just a few ticks at most.
  • When you enter a portal to a room you haven't been in before - you will now see the room description, just as if you'd walked into the room for the first time. (Seen)
  • The message that you see when a clan changes tax rate will now show the name of the leader making the change. (Zendalonii)
  • When using the 'groups' command, a * will appear next to skills and spells that you already have (but not groups listed within groups). (Zendalonii)
  • Moved the check for if someone is in a manor area further down the code in the 'yell' command so that you can still turn the channel on or off while in estates. (Cir)
  • Moved the check for if someone is in a manor area further down the code in the 'yell' command so that you can still turn the channel on or off while in estates. (Cir)
  • You will now get a warning when you bid on an item you cannot see on auction. (Oldshadow)
  • 'Wish costs' was showing an adjustment cost for nohunger, even though there isn't one. Now fixed. (Anotyad)
  • The 'nomagic' rooms deal has been removed from warfare - it was only there temporarily to test the flag.
  • This one mostly affects clanleaders - when using 'stat object' the output will show mob vnum as well as mob name. If the item is not carried, or carried by a player, vnum will show as 0. (Cdg)
  • You can no longer use strangle while fighting.

    That's it for this reboot. Have fun all!


    Date Posted - 08.09.2003

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