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Necromancer's Guild

The hot touch of the eastern wind caressed the cheek of the traveller, riding through the vastness of the kingdom. The battered and lonely road suggested there weren't many of those eager to visit the region - poverty, illnesses and crime were the main inhabitants of those godforsaken lands.

Suddenly, the wind brought up to him a distinct odour of rot. The smell was so striking, that even the horse beneath the traveller snorted, and started trotting tentatively. The man commanded the animal to stop, and looked round. The only place the smell could be coming from, was the village, whose houses could be seen far off the road.

He did not even have time to get off the horse, when the wind blew fiercly again. After the wave, the odour was gone. Gone, completely. Puzzled, our hero made tracks for the village. Empty houses, deserted streets, weedy backyards - everything was only adding up to his surprise.

Standing on the crossroads, wondering if he really should avoid the graveyard of the village, that could be seen not far off, all at once he heard someone running, and turned around to see the village elder swinging his shovel around.

The only human being alive in the village, he was not much of a help explaining what has happened - the poor man had gone mad quite a while ago. Nevertheless, he laughed diabolically, and then whispered to the adventurer's ear, that...

In fact, we shall never know what was spoken that day in the village, for the traveller was never seen again. Many have claimed to have their friends disappear in the mysterious village, even more have felt the touch of the rotten air, but nobody has yet returned to tell, what evil is hiding out there.

Will you dare to follow the perished, to expose yourself to a challenge of evil and death, to reveal the hidden and uncover the concealed? Then try your luck at the Necromancer's Guild, and let your path be adventurous!

This new area replaces the Chapel Catacombs.

Date Posted - 06.10.2005

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