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Aardwolf Update 10Jun05

- Fixed the bag 'max bid' message when you id something on ruaction. (Bugg)

- Fixed the min bid on auction to really be 5%, and the default min bid if nothing is typed will be 100.

- Dissolve can now be used on a fighting victim in clan pk rooms. If you attempt to dissolve someone in a clan pk room who is not in the same clan as you and not a member of your group, they will have the ability to take revenge on you. (Vilgan)

- There will now be a 2 minute timeout when you die defending your own clan until you can re-enter a pk room in the clan hall, other than whatever morgue room you ended up in. (Vilgan)

- When rescuing someone that has multiple people in a room hitting them, the old rescue code would choose the first person in the room and if the rescuer could not legally pk that person the rescue failed. This has been changed so that the mud will scan the entire room and if there is ANY person in the room that you can legally PK and is hitting whoever you are trying to rescue, you will get the usual dice roll to succeed. There had been a recommendation to disable level checks on rescue during a raid, but I think that was just a 'band aid' for this wider bug - if that is not the case I'm sure someone will let me know. (Vilgan)

- There is now a lag on ALL strangle failures with the only exception being mobs that are flagged as nostrangle. The lag when the target is not in the room has been reduced a little.

Date Posted - 06.10.2005

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