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Latest News - Sep 19th

Game Changes:

- You can how 'setweight' any wearable item, not just shields, armor and weapons. (Stok)

- Entire areas can now be flagged noquaff if necessary. Main reason is to test !quaff in warfare making sure we have every room covered.

- The double exp you sometimes see to remind people about donations is now automated and random so should happen at all time zones, not just when I am around.

- Quaff, recite, zap etc have been disabled during PK. If you attack a player who is fighting a mob, they will still be able to quaff until they are aimed at you. Aim should already not allow a player in a PK fight to aim a mob, so shouldn't be too abuseable and gives people a chance when jumped vs quest mobs. Main plan for this is to see which skills and spells need tuning for PK without these items available.

- The 'personal' channels such as ftalk, spouse, group, etc will now display history missed while you are in note mode. (Atreidess)

- When redoing tier 9, exp per level will now be treated as if you are not a tier. 1k at single class, 2k after first remort, etc. (Bejito)

- Ownedcarry and Ownedwhere will now show a count of the number of items found. (Isabelle)

- All damage done by skills and spells in warfare and combat maze fights between players is now increased by 50%. This is a "see how it works" type mod that may or may not stick and/or be extended to regular PVP. (Vilgan)

Hold'em Changes:

- Observers should now be able to leave an imm-run game.

- Made the 'awaiting your action' messages bright green.

- Poker prompt should now also work in battleprompt.

- Using 'poker fold' will now set any previous checkfold amount to 0. (Deathr)

- Big blind players calling with no raises in first round will now "check" (Davos).

- Minimum raise in a no-limit game must mow be greater than all other raises thus far in betting round. (Atreidess)

- Added a line under "Awaiting your action" that displays pertinent information (just like the promptflag)

- There is now a new tablemaster command, 'poker poolcards' that will all the pool cards (dealt and undealt) after a hand is over. ("Rabbit-chasing"). This probably makes sense to someone, please explain to me :) (Jeckyl)

- A new "poker status" command that combines aspects of poker bets with poker gameinfo and poker cards.

- All rebuys are now set to 0 in tournaments when rebuyhands has been exceeded, or playercount has dropped below minimum.

- Added a BREAK flag to the prompt display. (Filt)

- Added 'poker gameinfo all|game#| tourney|nontourney|[player name]'

- Default rebuy limit is now 0.

Date Posted - 09.19.2005

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