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Latest News - Sep 30th

- There is a new type of bounty for if you REALLY want to see someone PKed. This is an old imm command recoded for players: 'setwanted ' will give them the (WANTED) flag and reward the first person to kill them with 500k gold. The cost to you is two trivia points. This flag can only be set on people in PK clans, outcasts and people you have revenge on. Once set the target can be attacked anywhere, by anyone, and will not give revenge. For those who want a little sport, you can setwanted yourself even if in a nopk clan.

To prevent abuse such as "setwanted lasher;bs lasher", when a wanted flag is first set on someone they will have a 30 second timeout before it is activated. If they die during this time out, it is a normal death. The new affects code is used to set this flag and it shows the timeout in 'affects'. When a person with the (WANTED) flag dies, their equipment stays with them and no corpse is generated.

- The additional PK damage in cmaze/warfare no longer applies to backstab. Other tunes may be needed before this is moved to regular PK.

- Fixed the 'donate double' firing too often.

- Made 'web' a little easier to land in pvp. Let's see if it is enough or not.

- The additional damage for PK skills/spells has been modified to be level 200 and higher only. If EITHER char in a fight is 200+, both will do additional damage. If more than 2 are in a fight, it all depends who is aiming who. (Vilgan)

- Have fixed a bug with all deaths to water damage being considered by the mud as a 'drowning'. All true drowning deaths will now appear in info pkdeaths rather than mobdeaths.


- Fixed wrong cards displaying in 'poker poolcards'

Date Posted - 09.30.2005

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