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Latest News - Oct 21st

Mud Changes:
- Xantcha has fixed a bug with poker cashout sometimes "losing" gold in certain tournaments. (Davos)

- You will no longer see a 'Welcome new player etc..' message after someone retiers then re-enters the game. (Xeno)

- Fixed a bug with players retaining their skill % practiced after a retier. (Xantcha)

- Fixed whole class name showing in 'group' when grouped with someone who is not a remort. This bug screwed up the lining up of 'group' (Filt)

- I have modified the mud to allow extended characters after 240. Character 255 is still blocked as it is a telnet specific character. (Corwyn)

- Changed a couple of tier names again - missed the duplication last time. There is still a silly one, but it has moved.

- Fixed automap section in 'autolist' showing YES/NO incorrectly. (Dras)

- Set a minimum duration on pass without trace. Was based on level so a high tier using it at level 1 got barely a second from it. (Terrill)

- Based on an idea from Atreidess, but not quite his exact idea. In addition to being able to do '[channel] -h 20', you can now also do '[channel] -h [search string]'. This will show all history items on that channel containing the search string. It will search everything that the channel history shows, including player name, their msg, etc. (Atreidess)

- The 'contents' command was not showing helpfiles that have their headers disabled (those seen during creation etc). This is now fixed. (Tymme)

- Fixed a bug with other players sometimes getting halved exp when one of their group members has the PK timeout. Several people reported this but Ahuitzotl was first.

Overhead Map changes:
- A lot of the engine used in the map has been reworked to fill in lines where appropriate. It looks very similar, but a lot of the code behind the scenes has changed. I had a version with intersecting lines joined with a '+' but it just looked too cluttered so I decided not to go with that.

- If you have sense anger on, any room with a visible aggressive mob in it will now show as ! instead of !. (Rack)

- Added a 'nomap' roomflag that imms can use to black out areas on a map. In the line of sight algorithm, you cannot see through a nomap room. This will more than likely be added to the lasertag area.

- Have created another room flag called 'nomappass' that lets you see the room with the flag, but does not let you see _through_ it with line of sight. The idea is to clean up the map by not showing different areas, but, being able to show the first room of an area highlighted as an exit to somewhere else. Have added a new sector type called 'areaexit' that imms can use to flag these rooms to clean up the map. If you see a [?] tile, that means that it links to a new area. You may also see it as [!] if a mob is in the room.

- Have added a command called 'maptags' that will map a "MAPSTART" and "MAPEND" around the map. The idea is to be able to use these tags to display maps in another window in your client. (Bremen)

Date Posted - 10.21.2005

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