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Latest News - Oct 27th

- Hidden damage bug, fixed a few issues that I managed to find, but they don't answer all of the weird things we've seen. The things fixed are:

  • - When someone autoassists, two lines of damage were showing for the wrong attacker. This is now fixed, but damage will not completely combine for the first round of combat. As a side effect to this, assisting mobs will only get one hit in the first round.
  • - When your pet attacks a mob and the mob later targets you, damage was sometimes hidden that round.

Fixed a couple of other things that might help this bug, but I have absolutely not been able to recreate either the situation where you insta-kill a mob with a backstab and see no damage, or, the situation where you attack someone much much stronger than you and they kill you in the first hit of retaliation without seeing a damage msg. If you see this again, please post exactly which room you were in, what affects you had on at the time, whether you are grouped / have a pet in the room and if possible a log of the fight.

- SKIN: Important note on skin - Bregalad reported that con and wis appeared not to affect skin bonuses as documented in the helpfile. After checking the code, he is right. Con and Wis are now both important for skin. I also added a slightly higher bonus chance to add a stat if con is 500 or wis is 500 (higher chance for both). The way it now works is that for each stat, con+wis will determine your chances to add that stat to the item and, if successful, luck will determine how much.

- A player auto-assisting another in PK will now trigger revenge. This should also fix players with pk grace period auto-assisting without losing the grace period. (Yig)

- When you try to summon someone into an area level locked above them, you should now see a message that they could not reach you instead of just getting a blank line. (Oladon)

- The 'damage' command when typed with no arguments will now show which damage mode you have set.

- Fixed the scan messages to room, both for scanning in all directions and in a specific direction. (Bremen)

- You will see a different creation message when someone returns from tier creation than from a true recreate. (Tymme)

- Your prompt will no longer be reset at tier. (Neeper)

- 'Trivia' now shows as an option in 'quest buy'. (Nogari)

- 'Noscan' mobs no longer appear on the map. (Charasan)

- Fixed the messages on dispel good when target is of the wrong align. (Edit)

- You can no longer calm clanguards.

- Cannot duplicate a situation where a mob just 'screams and attacks' constantly without ever attacking. Let me know if you can recreate this .. removing from buglist for now.

- Have confirmed that no in-game items are melt-drop containers. Can remove this from buglist.

- 100% mobprog triggers should now actually be 100% rather than 99%.

- The map now shows closed doors that are also locked as + rather than +.

- Maptags now shows in autolist. (Xeno)

- Lasertag decoys now show as players on the map. (Forestseer)

- Charmed mobs / pets now show on the map as !. (Dereliction)

- It now costs 500,000 gold to start a war instead of a trivia point. (Atreidess)

- Ivoted will now show the actual direct URL to topmudsites in most situations. (Atreidess)

- Fixed a bug with 'lastkills' where in a group, the xp for each member would go into the list for the person who got the last hit. (Alixana)

- Locate animal no longer works on targets in clan rooms. (Wayne)

- If you pause a note using '.w' and you have tells waiting, you will now receive a message same as if you completed the note. (Bremen)

Date Posted - 10.27.2005

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