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Reboot Changes - Aug 15th '03

Before getting into the changes - it appears MCCP isn't registering for some people. If it used to work fine for you but now doesn't, please post on tech along with what client and _exactly_ what version you are using. You might have to play with the settings some. Of the 200 people online right now, 168 DO have mccp on, so it IS working. When everyone posts it might come down to a certain release of a certain client. Anyway, on to the changes...

  • Added a new wish called 'noteleport'. No big surprises what this one does. You can still cast teleport on self. (Dadman)
  • Added a new wish called 'fasthunt'. Probably no big surprise here either - it more than halves the lag time on hunt.
  • Thanks to Sarlock, the mud now supports both V1 and V2 of MCCP compression. This won't mean a whole lot to 99% of you, but if you notice any errors with compression etc please let myself and Sarlock know. Thanks also to Cir for the detailed write-up that helped a lot with this.
  • Using the syntax 'note read again' or 'note read last' will show the more recent note you read on the current board. It does *not* show the last note you read if you went back and read an old note - just the _newest_ note you have read. (Cyrandis)
  • Tier will now show next to level in 'whois'. (Zaxell)
  • When you scan and see doors 'to the up/down', this has been replaced with 'You see a door above/below you'. Message itself is now green. (Pioto)
  • Added a 'notier' option to both 'who' and 'swho' (LaRana)
  • The 'gamestat' screens that show heros, nobles etc will also now show the number of tiers online. (Sagonas)
  • Fixed a bug that caused a couple of crashes last week - was to do with the 'you can only carry XX of those message' when the player was already past their limit.
  • Rlook will now look at extra descriptions in the room before looking into inventory. (Arkanes)
  • Killing self in combat maze no longer counts as a combat maze kill in your stats. (Oldshadow)
  • The syntax for primary class (who p) that was added to 'who' a few weeks ago has now also been added to 'shwo'. (Fenrus)
  • When quaffing lotus potions/pills, you will now see a message when your mana reaches max. (Niccoli)
  • Fixed some weird messages with the disrupt spell when using the number of a spell you haven't gained. You would get "there is no 248 spell!". Now you will get, for example, 'You are not familiar with vaccinate'. (Vampirella)
  • Using the 'groups' command will now show the full name of the group if you used an abbreviation to get to it. (Zaxell)
  • You can no longer 'quest sell' an item that is kept. (Vitae)
  • Reformatted the output of 'gamestat 5' so that all of the numbers have commas. (Zaxell)
  • Fixed a bug in run where using run '0direction' would leave you in run mode and allow faster movement during gquests etc. If you want the benefit of run, use run. (Windjammer)

    That's all for now.


    Date Posted - 08.15.2003

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