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Major changes to clan equipment handling.

  • A successful raid now has a different timeout before that clan can be raided again previously it was the same time as a failed raid. The setting is currently at 1 week.
  • Open clans may now have 2 of the three enchantable options on their equipment, which means the choices are:

    - Invis flag set - allows Solidify.
    - Humming flag not set - allows Resonate.
    - Glowing flag not set - allows Illuminate.

    When a member of that clan buys from their shopkeeper, the third enchantable option will be set automatically, as will ownership of the item.
  • Closed clans may now choose to move some or all of their open item vnums inside their hall and make it private equipment. There is no requirement to maintain any ratio of open/closed gear.
  • When buying an item during a raid, some random stats will be added based on level. There is also a chance for a small amount of hit and/or dam on each piece.
  • Clanonly items can now be sold back to shopkeepers. Not being able to do this was always a big disadvantage for closed clans and one that I, frankly, don't remember the original reason for. WARNING: All clan eq sold back to a store will disappear with no possibility of retrieval. This will actually help you in terms of getting max gold for the sell-backs, just be careful what you sell.
  • Illuminate, Solidify and Resonate have all been improved in terms of possible stats they can add to items.

    As anyone who reads the boards knows, there is simply no balance for eq that won't be hated by someone. What we tried to do here is come up with a fair compromise and I think we've done that. Everyone gets something.

    Open clan members get their eq fully enchantable again but have to pay to remove ownership to sell it. Non-clan members get to buy good eq with decent enchant possibilities, but not as high as the clan that paid for the eq.

    Raiders get some bonuses for the work they have to do to get the eq and giving PK clans the option to move some of their open items private gives them a nice bonus, and, gets some open eq out of the game which means we don't have to consider reducing vnums in open clans.

    The enhancements to the spells themselves are just a general bonus all round.

    Date Posted - 08.13.2006

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