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Latest News - Sept 16 2006.

- When a non-t9 retiers, half of any hp, mana or moves over 8000 will be re-added to their chars. The point of this is to give those tiers that have trained huge pools a bit of a break on 'retier tax'. (Atreidess, kind of) - When buying potions, pills, staves, wands or scrolls from open shops, they should not longer get the enchantable flags added which was causing potions to be invisible etc. (Tsubaki) - 'Keep' now is used to set keepflag only rather than a toggle, use 'unkeep' to remove the flag. I realize some people got used to it the other way,but this does make the most sense. (Modi) - To go along with recent newbie channel change, the 'supernewbie' definition is now > 200 hours and level 25 or lower, was previously level 20. This will affect snewbie channel access and nosn wars. (Tymme) - Raid timeout after a successful raid on a clan should now save correctly between reboots. (Dirtworm) - Fixed a bug in character creation where if your scroll size after retiering is lower than standard, creation would be pretty mess up having to 'quit' out of every helpfile before you could choose race, class, etc. - The syntax 'shelp random' will now work and display a random social. (Vilgren) - The output of 'hunt' will now give different messages based on skill percentage. (Xeno)

Date Posted - 12.31.1969

27 Jul 2024:
New Race Rewrites - 6 more races updated.
New Race Rewrites - 6 more races updated.Race rewrites for Human, Halfling, Sprite, Triton, Vampire and Wolfen added today.
22 Jun 2024:
Overview of new Race Framework
Overview of new Race FrameworkSummary of the overall changes for the new races and high level changes.
22 Jun 2024:
Individual Race Change Details.
Individual Race Change Details.New Tigran, Ogre, Wraith, Gargoyle and Naga races. Summary of the main changes by race - list of each race with main updates and attributes.
22 Jun 2024:
Fantasy fields goals and other changes.
Fantasy fields goals and other changes.New goal in Fantasy fields. Automated reboots started. EXP / double and daily blessing modified. Multiple other changes.
21 Apr 2024:
Automated ice-age, racechange timer.
Automated ice-age, racechange timer.Automated reboots / ice-ages came into the game today along with a race change timer reduction and a few other things.
13 Apr 2024:
New Race System - Other Changes.
New Race System - Other Changes.New Race system allowing much more variety by race added today. Other changes in the attached news post.
30 Mar 2024:
Gquests, Resistance changes, Keys saving, more.
Gquests, Resistance changes, Keys saving, more.Changes to how gquest ranges work. Resistance redo in preparation for the new race changes. Keys now save over reboots. More in the post.
17 Feb 2024:
Note formatting and more accessibility features.
Note formatting and more accessibility features.New note auto-matting formatting code and other read options. New color codes to help VI / Blind users see alternate content.
17 Feb 2024:
New Superhero area and new quest.
New Superhero area and new quest.New Superhero area: An Auspicious Star’s Zenith area and new quest (goal) in Sanctity of Eternal Damnation.