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Aardwolf News - 9th Dec 2006

  • Halved the failure lag on all those v1 and v2 clanskills that had a 6 second penalty. (Skinner)
  • Global quest win announcements will now show how many wins that player has in total.
  • You can no longer quit while you have the strangle affect. This uses one of the new affect types and while affected you will see 'No quit' when typing affects. (Dagonet)
  • Modified the lowest level based max on hp/mana/moves to be 1000 vs 500. This is more in line with the recent bonuses added.
  • There is a new 'rget' command that will do the same as get, but when taking items from containers will always look for items in the room before items in inventory. Autoloot and autogold have been modified to use this instead of the standard 'get'. Should remove those 'You see nothing like that in the npc.' errors.
  • Bug with 'hum' flag being added to most raided eq should now be fixed. (Cyris)
  • Fixed a bug with color display on certain flags in the map code reported by Xeno.
  • When using mist-form, mobprogs should now fire correctly as you arrive in the target room - not the skipped room. (Milkshake)
  • The remorting flag should now save properly. This fixes a bug in remort mode that that allowed you to rauction items then drop link and reconnect after being quit to be out of remort mode. (Forestseer)
  • Failed resonate roll on tpupgrade will now give a message.
  • When fighting multiple mobs in a group, and you are the tank, if another member of the group got a kill on a mob you would be out of combat for a while and able to leave. This has been fixed. The group member being able to leave is not considered a bug - they have to auto-join after each fight. (Atreidess)
  • The output from 'learned' will now sort correctly. (Edhelan)
  • Mobprog say triggers should no longer be case sensitive. (Xeno)
  • Clan leaders can now only stat clan items they are holding. The intent of this command was always to check that items are correct after upgrades, not to be able to spy on anyone carrying an item, mark rooms, etc.
  • Cure disease was not sending any message for green death cure in a silentspell room. Now fixed. (Rathik)
  • Fixed 'you cannot use ...' message in showskill always saying skill. Will now say skill/spell as appropriate. (Zibest)
  • You can no longer setwanted someone while they are part of a raiding party.

    Date Posted - 12.09.2006

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