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Aardwolf News 29 Apr 2007

The skills gained through your primary class are now MUCH more important than those gained through remort.

The damage has changed...

  • As a general rule, combat spells gained through the primary class are stronger than those gained through remort classes.
  • Combat skills gained through primary class will now have a higher chance of double hits.
  • Skills gained through primary class that had more than 1 round of lag has had their lag time reduced.
  • Specific spells have changed...

  • A lot of the ranger and paladin spells that were previously flagged not to multicast have had the flag removed.
  • Primary class fighters will get a higher boost from enhanced damage.
  • Ninjas and Barbarians (both subclasses) received a boost when using hand to hand. These classes, using hand to hand, also receive additional attacks around the level they would normally get dual wield and second attack dual.
  • Cleave has been modified to be a regular attack skill, but you still have to be wielding a sword or axe to use it. If the target (mob) is wearing a shield it still has a chance to destroy it, but is not necessary for the damage part.
  • Backstab and balor no longer have lag on success, instead they have a recovery time.
  • Thief no longer gets enhanced damage as a primary class skill. Scorpion Sting has been improved and will act similar to enhanced damage. A remort thief still gets the benefit of enhanced damage and scorpion combined, but not the same 'enhanced' version that other fighters get. The message from scorpion sting has also been removed, too spammy now.
  • Paladin no longer gets dispel evil.
  • Assassinate is now subclass assassin only. When you assassinate something, it will die as if you killed it normally, including leaving a corpse, giving you exp, etc. It DOES work on quest targets, campaign targets and gq targets. It does not work on players or mobs immune to damage. It also has a long recovery time.
  • Talon now does pierce damage and damage has been lowered some. This is meant to be a "backup spell" for when mages need physical damage.
  • Dodges have changed...

  • Subclass restrictions have been lifted from dodges. Thus, you gain a new dodge each remort. Now, however, they will not be as effective as your primary class dodge, even at 100%.
  • Warriors are now the only class which gets parry.
  • Thieves now get 'misdirection', based upon Dex/Con/Luck.
  • Paladins get 'holy guidance', based upon Str/Int/Luck.
  • The 'dodge' skill is available for every class, with levels lowered for some.
  • Your primary-class dodges will always be checked first, though this has no overall affect on total dodges.
  • Max Stat Limit and EXP has changed...

  • Experience needed to level is now capped at 10,000.
  • The stat limit has been raised to 600 (400 trainable and 200 from eq).
  • Formula for trainable stats has changed. Now every level above 100 you can train up to your level, plus 2 additional stats.
  • Total max trainable stats is still 1500.
  • Con is becoming more important.
  • The max from spell/eq bonuses is still based on level, but capped at 200 instead of 150.
  • Max trainable hp/mana/moves per level has increased.

    Date Posted - 04.29.2007

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