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Aardwolf News 15 July 2007

New skills and Spells

  • There is a new mage (Evoker) subclass spell called 'power projection'. While affected by this spell, all attack spells that will normally multi-cast are guaranteed an extra cast, with a chance for two when the three moons are up.
  • There are 4 new Elementalist subclass spells, although they are basically the same thing: Earth focus, Air focus, Water focus and Fire focus. While affected by these spells, the Elementalist will do increased damage in that damage type. As this is control over the elemental damage rather than control over magic, it applies to both weapons and spells.
  • There is a new elementalist subclass spell called 'Elemental Ward'. When affected by this spell, damage taken by the character from air, earth, fire or water based attacks will be reduced. This is on the same recovery as the focus spells.

    Additional INT will help with the duration and recovery of these mage spells.
  • New harmer spell called 'Suppressed healing'. This can be cast on others and whoever is affected by this spell will see reduced benefit from healing spells. The healing will be further reduced when the black moon is in the sky. Duration and timeout are mostly determined by the caster's wisdom. Higher con can help reduce the duration of this, but not by much.
  • New priest spell called 'Augmented healing'. Can also be cast on others and whoever has this affect will see increase benefit from healing spells. The healing will be further increased when the white moon is in the sky. Duration and timeout determined by the caster's wisdom. In terms of numbers, this spell is less powerful than suppressed healing, but lasts longer.

    And in other Changes...

  • There is a new command called 'nogive'. When this is on, players and charmed mobs/pets cannot give items to you. Mobs still can so this shouldn't mess up mobprogs.
  • There is a new command called 'noinfravision' that makes your character ignore the 'infravision' affect. Primarily intended as a toggle for the wish, but no reason it couldn't be used to ignore the spell too if you wanted to. Note this does not affect wolf racial, 'dark vision' is actually a different affect that does slightly more than infravision.
  • When listing items in a store, the syntax 'list inv' or 'list inventory' will show only items that the shopkeeper repops with, excluding sold items.
  • Dust Devils and Warhorses now come with their own little necktag saying who they belong to, just like pets.
  • Dust devils, warhorses and pet store bought pets are now limited to a single name which cannot be an existing player or mob name.
  • Whenever you receive a page from someone, their name will now always be shown.
  • Now that everyone can use the 'exprate' command, although it won't do anything for some, it now also shows in 'config' for everyone.
  • Removed the lag on a successful enrage.
  • The automatic nochannel/notell for spamming has been reduced to 10 minutes. This code was added to block spammers, not punish mistakes. A duration as short as 10 minutes is fine to sit out so please don't ask imms to remove this for you - they won't. Spammers that abuse the shorter penalties can just be removed in other ways.

    Date Posted - 07.15.2007

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