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Reboot Changes - Sept 13th '03

If you read the last note before I removed it, ignore 'topsocials' it appears to be causing crashes. In the meantime, here's the changes this reboot:

-> There are two new commands that go together, mostly useful for people playing in a public place (school etc) or when others might have access to your screen. If you type 'suspend ', you character will be locked until you type 'activate . If you time out and quit while in suspend mode, you will still have to type activate and the password to be able to do anything - this is just in case someone else has access to your client with autologin. WARNING: If you suspend and forget your password, you're pretty much screwed. Note that many clients will still give people access to your command history so be careful with using this with certain clients. Sarlock coded these commands.

*> There is a new command called 'nowarinfo' that will turn on or off whether or not your total wars/losses show when your warinfo is viewed by others. (Dave)

*> A new gamestat option, 'gamestat 9', will show the breakdown of tiers online. (Elysian)

*> The infamous 'tpspend token' option is back. For those who were not here last time, this is an option that puts a token in your inventory that you can then auction. Basically, it's a way to auction a trivia point. If you have one of these tokens, you can hold it can use 'gtrivia self 1' to convert it back into a trivia point. Please Do *NOT* use this to exchange tps between characters, that's what got it removed last time and this time around we'll be removing offender's access rather than the feature itself. (Wolfe)

*> It is no longer to buy trivia points for gold using 'tpspend'. Gold is way too easy to get on this mud right now and trivia points are meant to be semi-rare. The qp cost of a trivia point has been reduced to 50 and the frequency of trivia mobs increased slightly. I know this won't be a popular decision, but I do believe it is best for the mud overall.

*> When a tier tries to dual wield an item too high, it tells them what level they need to be taking into account tier adjustment. Have added this same message into regular wear/wield items. (Kuroko)

*> When using 'note list', 'note unread', 'note to', 'note from' and 'note subject', the actual board name will be shown too. (Zibest)

*> Defender timeout on raiding has increased from 4 minutes to 8 minutes. This does not apply to home-clan defenders.

That's it for this reboot, have fun!


Date Posted - 09.13.2003

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