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Changes in Imm Team

Citron and Terrill started a home based business several months ago. It has grown to the point where it is taking up all of their time and they feel it best to step down as imms here on Aardwolf. Before any rumors start, there are no other issues at play here and they are both still good friends of mine. They will be around on the mud as players. Here is the exact words Citron asked me to post on her behalf:

To the mortals and immortals of Aardwolf:

I've greatly enjoyed my years as an imm here, and will miss it.

However, with recent changes in my life, most notably opening my own home business, I find that I no longer have the time that my position deserves, to dedicate to the mud.

I'll still be around as a player, and hope that my many friendships will endure. Good luck to you all!


Date Posted - 09.19.2003

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