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Reboot Changes - July 25th '03

Cleaned up a lot of smaller stuff that has been on my list for a while now, so some of these the people mentioned may not even remember
posting :)

*> Grey aura will now block the 'aura sight' spell. (Gristich)

*> When you try to buy multiple items and the amount is more than you can carry, the message you get will now show how many you CAN carry. (Oldshadow)

*> It is no longer possible to create a chaos portal to any of the three Aardwolf Estates areas. (Terrill)

*> The 'all please welcome...' message when a new player creates will now show the race and class they chose. (Mirella)

*> Pick lock was working too well with low practiced % due to the affect of Dex. Both Dex *and* amount practiced are now important. (Arminius)

*> It is no longer possible to kill yourself using 'dispel good' and 'dispel evil' in the duel room. (Terrill)

*> You will no longer attempt to autoassist against a target that you cannot actually kill. This will prevent battlecrys from repeatedly going off and 'find a special room' etc type spam every round. (Vampero)

*> Skinned items will now have the original mob name as part of the keywords. Only exception is when the mobname can't be found (where you get '...skinned from a dead mobile'. (Dilligaf)

*> Skinned items will now have the original mob name as part of the keywords. Only exception is when the mobname can't be found (where you get '...skinned from a dead mobile'. (Dilligaf)

*> Fixed the $o variable in mobprogs to be the whole object name rather than just the first word of the objects. This should fix a lot of bugs in mobprogs to do with object keywords. For example, the bug where you could give ivar a dagger and he would destroy the wrong one.

*> % practiced will now be much more important when attempting to 'steal'. Same applies to haggle. Their primary stats are still important, but only once you pass the percentage test (if your % practiced is higher than a random percentage number).

*> You can no longer use 'reunion' while on a quest.

*> There was a bug where you could create a pet and quit in a combat maze flagged room but the pet would stay in the game. This was a convenient way to get multiple gate targets etc. Now fixed.

*> Added the 'fully healed' messages to the complete healing spell. (Dilligaf)

Still have a bunch of this type of crap to fix before moving on to some bigger, more fun stuff. In the meantime, that's all this reboot.

Date Posted - 07.25.2003

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