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Redesign a Stock Area!

You've seen a lot of comments lately about 'replacing stock areas', but never actually an announement.

We would like to remove a lot of the areas that come with the default download of ROM, with unique and original areas to Aardwolf. The definition of 'stock' that we are using is areas that ship WITH the ROM download. There are other areas in the public domain that are available for download from various sites and these are usually considered 'stock', but are not the areas we are referring to here (Underdark is a good example).

To see a list of the stock areas, I have put a completely generic ROM mud up on the builder's port at builder.aardmud.org 9000 - just create a char there and enter 'areas'. For anyone that cares, it is also interesting to see the different between that mud and Aardwolf.

General guidelines for stock area replacement is:

- New area should be roughly the same size, same level range and have the same ratio of levelling mobs, equipment, etc.
- We are not looking for areas for exhaustive 'area quests' for stock replacement. Use of mobprogs to add atmosphere is fine however.
- You must be able to finish the area within 2-3 months.
- Area cannot be just a 'workover' of an existing area - for example, Mobfactory here is an extension of the original. We're not looking for that.

If you are interested, please mail 'imm' on the personal board with your ideas and if there is a specific area you'd like to replace. Some of the staple areas like midgaard and mud school will be replaced by imms, if at all -- but you are welcome to design an alternative city with all the options that Midgaard has and I will make the necessary code changes to make the special functions like the tpspend options work in your city too.

You are also welcome to design an alternative to mud school - I think we need a couple of really good newbie 'learning' areas.


Date Posted - 11.07.2003

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