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Fort Terramire

Overheard at the Grunting Boar:

"Is it my imagination, or have there been less of those filthy drow overrunning the city lately?"

"Yeah, I noticed that too. There's something going on down there, and I'm sure I don't know what. Not sure I /want/ to know."

A shrug. "As long as they're staying out of my way, I'm happy. Hey, what's the special today?"

"A nice roast rabbit. Want some?"


This is a stock area replacement for Drow City, by Vladia.

These two areas replacements that came in today are somewhat unique because they are the two areas where we tried to keep vnums, equipment, etc the same. Because of this, you will notice some weirdness with equipment (you may have loaded with some of the new equipment). Some exploration points in the removed areas may carry over into the new area, campaign/quest targets will be moved, etc. The remaining stock area replacements are completely new vnum ranges, so things will be different then.

In the meantime, some speedwalks have been displaced by the new areas:

Verdure Estates - run 4sds4eu6n;unl n;run 4nw2s6w3sen
Old Thalos - run 4sds4eu6n;unl n;run 4nw
Cathedral - run 4sds4eu9w3su2wn10w

Thanks to Vladia for pulling all this together, and of course to the builders for working on the areas in the first place.

Date Posted - 12.07.2003

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