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The Infestation

The last few weeks have been fairly rough for the halflings. At least, that's what appears to be the case.

The halflings usually come to Midgaard, fleeing their homes from the Orcs who come to loot and pillage. The orcs always leave however, and the halflings return to what is left of their homes. But this time, they will not be returning.

"It's not ORCS!" a halfling woman screams "it's the creepy crawlers. They have filled the forest, killing the animals there. And now the forest itself has regrown around our homes, reclaiming the land which we took from it ages ago!"

Problems usually find a way to bypass the halflings. Despite being short, having leathery feet, the subject of an orc raid or two and an almost self descrutive love of the brew, halflings enjoy a relativly carefree and cheerful existance.

However, the "creepy-crawlies" as they've been called have put an end to this way of life. And they must be dealt with quickly!

Date Posted - 12.14.2003

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