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Aardwolf Progress Update 7FEB04


-> The spouse channel has been converted over to the new code which means that you now have history on the spouse channel.

-> The newbie channel, snewbie channel and advice channel have also been converted to the new system. No real difference with newbie. The difference with advice is that you'll be able to do 'advice -h' to see history.

-> The 'auction' channel has been converted to the V3 auction. Only difference to players is that you can type 'auction -h' to see history.

-> We now have a channel flag to prevent emotes and/or socials. Have added both flags to the 'barter' channel.

-> The syntax 'tell -h ' to view just a selected number of lines of tell history now works.

-> The barter, ftalk and immtalk channels can now be used while in remort mode.

-> Fixed the emote color on racetalk.

-> The 'gossip' part of gamestat 5 now works again.

-> The %B prompt option has been added which will show enemy % without the 'Enemy:' tag or the % sign.

-> When using the 'Ivoted' command, the 'Time to vote' text will no longer appear in the battle prompt - only the regular prompt.

Skill Adjustments

-> Retreat was working even if not practiced. There is now a check against % practiced before stats are considered.

-> Made dex help Balor more. Should be a litle easier to hit now if you have good dex.

-> Trying the PVP/Heal change at 75% for a while instead of 50.

-> Added the pk/heal change to cure serious and cure light.

Other Changes

-> Quest buy objstat and quest buy objlower now add ownership to the items they are used on.

-> Enter .ss in note write mode will now show the note subject.

-> If an item has keywords that run past one line, the new identify command will now wrap them one another line.

Date Posted - 02.09.2004

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