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Aardwolf Progress Update 21MAR04

- The group channel has been converted to the new system. Usual changes apply (longer history, history in colorset, etc). You can now also turn the channel on/off.

- Level 190-199 and 200+ have been separated as PK ranges. You cannot attack levels 190-199 if you were level 200+.

- Revenge is now mud-wide. This includes some pretty big changes in how revenge worked. When revenge applied to PK rooms only it did not set the flag for someone that you could already kill in a PK room as it was pointless. Now that it is mud-wide, it will be set on anyone that tries to PK you, or helps a mob you are fighting, regardless of level. There was some confusion during testing on this, so to be clear - initiating a regular PK fight now also triggers revenge. If you attack someone, you'd better mean it, because they can hunt you mud wide for as long as the revenge lasts.

- Fixed the use of $ on clan and gclan channels. Also fixed the problem with the $ being in an object name on auction.

- You can now rauction breastplates that have been imbued. Donated flag will have no affect.

- When a newbie creates on Aardwolf, they will only get to the 'customize?' option if they select that they are an experienced Aardwolf player, otherwise, the defaults are probably the best option for them.

- Fixed the 'nochannel' problem when people talk on the same channel several times in a row. It is only supposed to kick in if they say exactly the same thing.

- There is now a CMAZE flag displayed when using 'look' and 'exits' that is similar to the PK flag.

- There is now a max number of decoys per game as well as max number of decoys you can have active. The current max is set to 5.

- Using "wear all" will now equip a trivia sleeping bag if you have one.

- Typing clandonate or clanqpdonate without any arguments will show the amount of gold/qp you have donated so far.

- Added a 'fully healed' msg to regeneration.

- The lag time on strangle with a target that is not in the room has been increased.

Date Posted - 03.21.2004

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