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Aardwolf Progress Update 22Jul04

-Areas will now reset regardless of whether or not players are in an area. Most areas will reset randomly between 5 and 10 minutes. Imms have the ability to specify the repop range for an area and there will probably be some that we want to repop less often due to difficulty in navigating them. Please post suggestions for these on ideas. This also gives builders the options to create special areas that only repop say, once a week. A good alternative to reboot only quests. The 10 minutes repop on clan areas has not changed.

Items in-room will also repop even if a player is in the room. Players 'farming' items and botting them will be removed from Aardwolf - please don't abuse these changes meant to make life easier for everyone. Also, because of this change, the repop time on manor areas is now very long, but still more often than before the change.

-Added 3 new channels:

1. The 'debate' channel for political / non-mud related debates. This channel is a curse allowed channel.

2. The 'wangrp' channel for finding a grouping partner. This channel has special formatting that will show the level and alignment of whoever is speaking - making it easier to find grouping partners in the right range and alignment

3. The 'rp' channel for in-character roleplaying. You can also use 'ic' as the channel name for this.

-Added 3 new object flags:

1. There is now a 'noreown' flag on items that prevents players from reowning it. Imms can still reown these items if necessary. Useful for unique quest items that are not meant to be transferred around.

2.There is now a 'heroonly' flag on items that means you MUST be a hero to wear it, regardless of level. Tiers are still recognized once you are at hero, but otherwise not. For example, a level 200 T2 would be able to wear a level 220 item with this flag, but a level 180 would not be able to wear a level 200 item with the flag. I'll let Vilgan explain more about why he requested this if necessary.

3.There is now a 'nosteal' object flag. It can be used by builders for other objects such as AQ keys and special items. It has been added to the trivia point token item.

-Whenever you reply to a note, the first line of that note will show the note number you are responding to. If the note was on ideas and is now going to feedback, you will see 'Reply to: Ideas note 123' etc.

-General Bug Fixes and Changes:

1. An old bug that wouldn't let you remove items from your container if you were carrying your max number of items and tried to get an item from a container you were already carrying has been fixxed. Rather than recieving the message "carrying too many items" you will be able to retrieve the item from your container.

2. Gquest mobs that were killed in the 'prepare' mod of a gquest will now prompt the area to repop quickly in the same way that mobs killed during a gq do.

3. You can no longer use the 'major create' and 'minor create' spells on objects that use the hold inventory slot.

4. The note system will no longer allow anyone to forward a note that was not sent to them.

5. Raiders creating a raid party will no longer prompt the global message "XXXX has created a raidparty'.

6. The 'Pcheck' command is now working again.

Date Posted - 07.22.2004

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