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Builder's App.

I will be taking area building application notes until September 2nd. If you are interested in building an area for Aardwolf, please submit an application to the personal board to Citron and Windjammer.

99% of the builders out there are given a max of 50 vnums to work with. It's not something we budge on very often. :) The builders that are given more than 50 vnums are experienced builders (ones who have built several areas). We simply do NOT give more than 200 vnums to *any* builder, regardless of how experienced they are.

I like my builders to have experience on Aard. That means I take builders from the people who are over level 100. If you don't meet this requirements, don't worry, you can always apply next time when you've got a bit more experience with us. The reason I work this way is because any area that is created here, I would like to be created specifically for Aardwolf, meeting the peculiar needs and desires of the players. An area you may have designed for another mud or just came up with probably won't work if you haven't been here long enough to know what we need and why :)

My webpage is at http://www.aardweasel.com. All prospective dead areas list as well, for what we do NOT want applications builders should read this webpage carefully (especially the rules for the builders port). NOTE: Be sure to read the dead areas list as well, for what we do NOT want applications for.

All area applications should go on the personal board addressed to Citron and Windjammer. We'll sort through them and respond to them as we get them. If we turn down your area application, don't stress, just do some work on it or come up with another idea. :) You can apply as many times as you wish until apps are closed.

On that note, anyone who is currently building an area need not apply :) I would far rather see you finish your current area than start in on a new one... Builders who have an area completed but it is not yet on this port also will not be allowed the chance to build again yet. We often have changes that need to be made to areas that we check, and it's easier to get them done if the builder isn't distracted by a new area he's building.

If you previously started an area and it had to be archived, seriously consider whether you will have time to finish an area this time, before you submit an application.

Make your application as detailed as possible. :) I'm far more likely to set up an area for someone who gives me a lot of information than for someone who writes me a note saying 'I want to build an area cause I think it would be neat and I want orcs in it'. Also on that note, your notes should be clean and easy to read. 'i r wanna buld arae cuz i haf gud idae' doesn't give me great confidence in your building ability. :) Remember, spell checking is your friend, and if your grammar isn't up to par, you might want to get a buddy to help build the area.

Any questions you have regarding building or area applications, feel free to ask, either through tell or note. I promise that I will respond to every question and area application (though I don't promise that I'll do it within 30 seconds :). If you've sent me a tell and haven't gotten a response back within 5 - 10 minutes, resend the tell. If you send me a note and haven't gotten a response back within 2 days, resend the note. I truly am not ignoring you, I probably have just gotten distracted and forgotten where I am :)


Date Posted - 08.05.2003

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