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Aardwolf Update 05Nov04

- PK deaths now have no exp loss - you will be returned to your recall with hp/mana/moves at 10. (Vilgan) The catch is that while you have the PK grace protection, you will only gain half exp from killing mobs. (Evil me)

- Added a new Paladin skill called 'awareness'. The spell reduces the caster's hitroll/damroll for a short period of time, and adds a little pierce resistance. While a character has the awareness skill, they will be more difficult to backstab. The level of protection is based on their intelligence and luck vs the attacker's dexterity and luck. First class paladins get better protection from awareness than remort paladins.

- The 'spiritual armor' spell now creates some random resistances based on stats. (Vilgan)

- Finally removed the beep from Pray. It now has a slightly different format so anyone that wants to set their own beep trigger can do so.

- Increased the color codes you can have in your prompt to 20. That should be plenty for all but the most insanely colored prompt.

- Have made tell history (tell -h) include your own tells to others. Reason this took a while is because I wanted to take the extra time to make it smart enough to store in your tell history if someone was AFK, in note mode, link-dead, etc at the time you sent the tell.

- Increased the capacity of the following 'history' stores:

Tells - from 50 to 100.
Clantalk - from 50 to 100.
Spouse - from 20 to 50.
Group - from 20 to 50.

- Max friends is now 80.
- Max lottery tickets has gone from 20000 to 40000.

- Add a new prompt option '%T' will show you who, if anyone, you are replying to. Because I wanted to make this an option that just shows nothing at all if there is no reply pointer, you cannot change the text on it. Also added the option 'reply clear' to remove your reply pointer. (Citron)

- Have removed the note subject from the line that is automatically added by 'note reply' and replaced it with the original posted. The subject is in the RE: line anyway. (Neeper)

- Areas unexplored will now show the range 0 to 0 areas such as lasertag and the warfare area. (Gimlei)

- Added the syntax 'areas ' to the areas command - shows just areas with in the name or builder name. Cannot be used with explored or unexplored options at the same time. (Silverdrake)

- The dissolve spell is now castable during combat on self only. The lag time is increased slightly. (Vilgan)

- Using 'lottery prizes' will show the number of tickets that are still available for sale in this lottery period.

- When you are not normally PKable and have a grace period from PK (due to a revenge death), you will now see the grace period when typing 'pkstats'.

Date Posted - 11.08.2004

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